7 events found.
All Day
Week of Events
Spring ’25 Soccer Registration Opens
St. Giles Soccer Registration for 2nd-8th grade student-athletes who would like to participate in the Forest Park Youth Soccer League. https://www.teamsideline.com/sites/stgilesschool/current-programs
Family Mass
(B) Giles 7th Basketball Practice
Cheer Practice / K-2nd
Cheer Practice / 3rd-4th
Youth Basketball League (formerly YMBL)
Finding Nemo
Chess Ed
(B) Giles 6th Basketball Practice
(B) Giles 4th Basketball Practice
(B) Giles 8th Basketball Practice
Catechesis of the Good Shepard
(B) Basketball – Giles 5th vs. Divine Providence 5th
(B) Basketball – Giles 6th vs. Divine Providence 6th
(B) Basketball – Giles 8th vs. Divine Providence 8th
Let’s Play it!
Electronic Game Design
(G) Giles 4th VB Practice
Catechesis of the Good Shepard
(G) Giles 7th VB Practice
(B) Basketball – Giles 5th @ St. Mary 5th
(G) Giles 8th VB Practice
(B) Basketball – Giles 6th @ St. Mary 6th
(B) Basketball – Giles 7th @ St. Mary 7th
(G) Giles 5th VB Practice
(B) Basketball – Giles 8th @ St. Mary 8th
(B) Giles 5th Basketball Practice
Sticky Fingers
Catechesis of the Good Shepard
(B) Giles 8th Basketball Practice