15 events found.
(B) Basketball – Giles 8th vs. Divine Providence 8th
St. Giles GymElectronic Game Design
Mac LabWednesdays
Let’s Play it!
Corrigan - GymWednesdays
Catechesis of the Good Shepard
St. Giles LibrarySticky Fingers
St. Giles Frawley Lunchroom(B) Giles 5th Basketball Practice
St. Giles GymCatechesis of the Good Shepard
St. Giles Library(B) Giles 8th Basketball Practice
St. Giles GymAdvanced Chess
St. Giles Art RoomFridays - No Class 2/7
Finding Nemo
Mondays and Fridays Mondays - Frawley Lunchroom Fridays - Gym/Stage