32 events found.
(G) Volleyball – Giles 5th vs. DP JV
St. Giles Gym(G) Giles 4th VB Practice
St. Giles Gym(G) Giles 5th VB Practice
St. Giles GymSticky Fingers
St. Giles Frawley LunchroomFinding Nemo
Mondays and Fridays Mondays - Frawley Lunchroom Fridays - Gym/Stage
(G) Giles 7th VB Practice
St. Giles GymPreK Soccer League
St. Giles GymCatechesis of the Good Shepard
St. Giles Library(G) Giles 8th VB Practice
St. Giles Gym(G) Giles 5th VB Practice
St. Giles GymBlack and Gold
St. Giles McDonough HallFamily Mass
St. Giles Gym(G) Giles 7th VB Practice
St. Giles Gym(G) Giles 4th VB Practice
St. Giles GymFinding Nemo – Tech Week
St. Giles GymMarketing Committee Meeting
All are Welcome!