STEM/STEAM at St. Giles School

At St. Giles School, we aim to prepare students to be engaged and successful citizens in an ever-changing society. The future for children of today will be shaped by artificial intelligence and automation. Per McKinsey and Company, “the demand for high-skilled workers will rise, particularly in healthcare and STEM-related professions.” To foster critical thinking skills, creativity, innovation, teamwork and collaboration we have integrated multiple STEM/STEAM programs into our curriculum:

School-wide STEM Experiences

Elevate Science -  Elevate Science is a curriculum that encourages active learning through storylines, lab activities, and science quests. Our science classes utilize this curriculum designed around real-world phenomena, encouraging students to engage with hands-on lab experiences and then synthesize and present their findings. This approach helps students make meaningful connections between theoretical concepts and practical applications, promoting a deeper understanding and enthusiasm for science.

TinkRworks - Using hands-on STEAM projects in our K-8 classrooms, students develop skills and knowledge directly tied to Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.  Our K-2 students are engaged in a variety of exciting experiments that explore fundamental concepts related to light, sound, and electricity. Grades 3-5 develop coding skills creating a “Tech-A-Sketch,” which serves as an electronic adaptation of the classic Etch-a-Sketch toy. In middle school students build a programmable electronic synthesizer which allows them to explore music and sound technology while improving their coding skills.

Holiday STEAM Night - Held in late fall, St. Giles and our STEAM partner TinkRworks host a holiday-themed STEAM event blending art, design, and programming. Families utilize creative thinking and innovation to create unique projects, bringing ideas to life using coding, electronics, motors, 3D sculptures, lights, and sound as they celebrate the holidays.

Primary and Intermediate School STEM Experiences

Legos and Machines - Lego Education - Students can join the Lego Club, which meets with the Intermediate Level Science teacher. This club allows them to learn the basics of physics, develop critical thinking, explore their creativity and sharpen their problem solving skills as they build and test simple machines constructed with Legos.

St. Giles STEM Night - This event, geared toward our Kindergarten through 5th graders, offers a fun-filled night of hands-on STEM activities. Our teachers, parents, the Field Museum of Chicago, Steam Academy, TinkRworks, and Fenwick High School share interactive experiments, exhibits, and games, including ancient artifacts, Lego machines, Vex Robotics, and Maker-shed LED crafts.

Middle School STEM Experiences

Big Ideas Accelerated Math (6-8) - St. Giles uses the Big Ideas Accelerated Math program to prepare middle school students for Algebra 1 in 8th grade. This curriculum aligns with Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) and covers more advanced math concepts, deeper conceptual understanding through engaging activities, and provides strong emphasis on problem-solving skills and real-world applications.

Illinois Junior Academy of Science (IJAS) - Science Exposition - As members of IJAS, we provide our 7th grade students with unique opportunities to explore science and technology, fostering an appreciation for scientific inquiry and discovery. Our students participate in a school-wide science fair adhering to IJAS guidelines, with top exhibits advancing to IJAS regional and state science expositions.